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Choosing a Cue Repair Tool

Choosing a Cue Repair Tool

  • Wednesday, 10 March 2021
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Choosing a Cue Repair Tool

A cue repair tool is a device that is used by a pool or billiard player to check the shape and condition of his or her cue stick. The tool is composed of a bendable steel material and a resin cue stick shaped into a ball for holding onto. While the tool is not designed to prevent damage to your cue stick, it will give you more ability when trying to bend and straighten a stick that has become damaged.

When shopping for a repair tool, it is important to look for several different types. There are several styles that all address specific problems with a specific cue. Two of the most common types of repair tools include plastic and metal. Each has its own pros and cons.

Plastic repair tools are the easiest to store and use. They can also be kept in an upright position which allows them to be stored out of the way. However, plastic cue repair tools tend to bend at an angle which is not desirable. The additional bend may also decrease the amount of accuracy with which the cue ball travels, decreasing your game.

Metal repair tools should only be used by players who have adequate storage space. This type of tool is typically made of stainless steel and will give your cue the necessary strength to resist the normal wear and tear that occurs with repeated use. Because of the steel structure, the tool will be able to resist bending at an angle which allows the shaft to remain straight. However, this type of repair tool can be fairly heavy and may be difficult to carry while on the table.

The best choice for a repair tool is one that offers multiple features. One of the most useful features that you want in a cue stick repair tool is one that allows you to rapidly determine the correct shape and distance for your cue ball. Most devices offer varying degrees of angles for the cue shaft to be held at. You will want one that offers a firm grip, yet one which is flexible enough to allow for the release of your cue ball when it is shot. Another valuable feature that you should look for is one which offers a magnetic clasp. A magnetic clasp will ensure that your cue stick remains safe and secure even after your next shot.

Finding a cue repair tool that fits your specific needs and preferences will not be difficult. If you are on a strict budget, there are a few discount stores which carry high quality, yet inexpensive tools. These include discount sporting goods stores and warehouse clubs. On the other hand, you may want to consider shopping online in order to find the best deal. Many online stores offer a wide variety of products which can be used for both repairing and improving your pool or billiard cues.

Tags:durable cue repair tool | billiard cue cleaner

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