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Durable Billiard Cue Slicks

Durable Billiard Cue Slicks

  • Friday, 04 December 2020
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Durable Billiard Cue Slicks

If you are looking for the best billiard cue cleaner available today, you have to look no further than the durable billiard cue cleaner.durable billiard cue slicker There are several unique features that these billiard cue cleaners offer that makes them the top choice on the market today. Here are some of the unique characteristics of these durable billiard cue cleaners that you will find intriguing.

durable billiard cue slicker

First of all, one of the most unique features of these durable billiard cues is the patented Speed Factor.durable billiard cue slicker durable billiard cue slicker When you are using your billiard supplies like a cue stick or a cue ball, there is always the potential for that cue stick or cue ball to lose speed and maneuverability. When you have a durable billiard cue cleaner in your cleaning arsenal, you can rest assured that you are never going to be left without speed again, which makes it well worth the investment.

Next, the Speed Factor is an effective cleaning system for any billiard supplies including the cue ball.durable billiard cue slicker The patented Speed Factor will eliminate all of the tiny pebbles, tiny billiard balls, and tiny dust balls that have the ability to ruin the beauty of your cue stick or cue ball with their tiny little nicks and scratches. They will not even slow you down when you are playing.

Along with the Speed Factor, the durable billiard cue cleaner is also equipped with a patented softness control technology that allows the softness to remain almost constant throughout the length of the cue shaft. With the softness constant, you will not have to exert any pressure at all on the cue ball. What this means for you and every other player is that the cue ball will stay in contact with your finger for the entire length of the cue shaft. Players using traditional billiard supplies are constantly struggling to keep their cues balls in contact with their fingers. You can use less pressure to keep the cue ball in contact with your finger and that alone will save you hundreds of dollars per year in repair bills.

The final feature that the Speed Factor and the cue slicker share are their anti-slip grip material. This unique combination of a high quality cue ball grip with a high-tech anti-slip grip material makes for a truly unforgettable shot every time. When you place your hand on the billiard cue ball after you have just shot, you will notice that there is not any friction at all. The anti-slip grip material allows you to still use your other hand to play other games while your hand is still firmly on the cue ball.

It may seem like a minor part of the billiard supplies and equipment that you need to replace on a regular basis, but the Speed Factor and the cue slicker are two pieces of essential billiard equipment that should be carefully considered when you are looking for ways to improve your game. With the money that you could save by simply purchasing a Speed Factor and a new cue stick, wouldn't it be worth spending a few dollars to keep your billiard equipment working properly? There are many websites online where you can find the latest Speed Factor products. Act now and take control of your game, and soon you might be the best billiard player on the table.

Tags:billiard cue tip ferrule suppliers | quality billiard cue slicker

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